
Fresh prince of bel air graffiti font
Fresh prince of bel air graffiti font

fresh prince of bel air graffiti font

The Times New Roman font is one of the most popular fonts on Word documents. The design of Times New Roman is based on an old sans-serif font Plantin Font. It is an old-style serif font that has proven helpful for designers for decades.

fresh prince of bel air graffiti font

Indeed you have used Times New Roman font for a different purpose at least once in your life. The word “The as of Bel-Air” is typeset in Times New Roman, while the word “Fresh Prince” is typeset in a font similar to FTF Indonesiana Go Grafitiana. It can be seen that the movie’s poster has basically two font types. “ FTF Indonesiana Go Graffitiana and Times New Roman ” is the font used for the Fresh Prince banner. Fresh Prince Font Preview Which Font Do Fresh Prince Use?

Fresh prince of bel air graffiti font