
Usb rndis for pocket loox driver
Usb rndis for pocket loox driver

Usb rndis for pocket loox driver Usb rndis for pocket loox driver

BTW - Microchip should be paying you for your kick-ass support.

Usb rndis for pocket loox driver

I know some of the implementation support keyboard/mouse. I am not so sure if Windows CE support generic HID device. In any case, we're hoping to move from CDC to HID, which will probably require a custom driver anyway. After testing a few of the most recommended driver update software. LOOX driver'The most accurate and comprehensive scan for driver updates'. Silicon Labs also offer Windows CE driver for their USBexpress (kind of generic driver like Microchip's custom USB driver). USB CDC on PDA? (F-S Pocket LOOX N560) Hi.

Usb rndis for pocket loox driver

You might try to contact jrusso but it might not be easy. So far, no luck with Zoroyoshi's driver, but I have yet to trace the USB traffic where possible to see about debugging it. Anyway, thanks a lot for the links/info - it's something to get me started. It is not easy to write a good USB drivers at all. Take note the custom driver is written by an outsider. But I suspect the resource is still limited. Microchip USB examples are getting better. ORIGINAL: bernz Well, I guess Microchip could really say it's not their job to write any drivers for any platform, but I kind of hoped since they made one for 'big' Windows (XP/Vista), they'd also make one for 'small' Windows (CE/Mobile). Thanks, xiaofan! Well, I guess Microchip could really say it's not their job to write any drivers for any platform, but I kind of hoped since they made one for 'big' Windows (XP/Vista), they'd also make one for 'small' Windows (CE/Mobile). Has Microchip published similar support files for the CDC module? I can't find anything at /usb/*. When I connect the device, I get the 'Unidentified USB Device' dialog with the FTDI setup, I copy an.INF and a.DLL to the PDA beforehand, then point this dialog to the.DLL. Windows Mobile 5), and it has USB host support (known to work already with an FTDI USB-to-RS232 chip). USB CDC on PDA? (F-S Pocket LOOX N560) Hi, I want to connect a PIC18F87J50-based device which has the MC USB CDC framework 1.3 (working on PC) to a PDA it's running MS Pocket PC 5.1.195 (i.e. Usb Rndis For Pocket Loox Driver Rating: 3,8/5 9555votes

Usb rndis for pocket loox driver